
One of the most important things we can do for the Kingdom is to repair the breaches between ourselves and others. Remembering that “it’s all about the Kingdom”, let us lay aside our hurt and anger in favor of reconciliation with our brethren.


Vayera 2016: The Secret Meaning of Yeshua Washing the Disciples’ Feet


Vayera 2015: Repairing The Breaches


VaYera 2014: Vindicating the Names of Our Righteous Forebears

For too long, we who are the descendants of Abraham and Sarah, have allowed the names and character of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Sarah, Rebecca, Leah and Rachel to be denigrated. It is time to understand why Abraham and Sarah were NOT in an incestuous relationship. Hint: Sarah bore the Alef Tav of Life! I hope you will find this teaching as much of a blessing as I have!


VaYera 2012: Abraham, Isaac… and Lot

Two men with two different relationships with YHVH foretell the kind of relationships believers will have with God in the end of days.


VaYera 2011

Kimberly Rogers-Brown has been teaching Torah and special Bible topics since 2008. She is also the author and publisher of Beast Watch News dot com and is heard internationally via two radio programs on Hebrew Nation Radio. Kimberly now lives in Aqaba, Jordan close to the Exodus wilderness area where the Bride (i.e. "the woman" of Revelation 12:6) will flee for 1260 days of the Great Tribulation.