Recent Posts
19-The First Failure
Israel will now fail and have to meet YHVH in person over it. A real ancient “come to Jesus” meeting!
Learn about binding and loosing, deliverance from demons, repentance and forgiveness (some things you may not have considered) and what happens when someone backslides.
18-The State Of Israel In Transition
It may surprise you to learn than the Western Ephraimite and other nations loosely follow YHVH’s government model which He implemented during the Judges period.
17–The Foundation of the Judges Period
The Judges period isn’t just the Book of Judges. It is Judges, Ruth and part of 1st Samuel and is the continuation of Israelite life immediately after Joshua died.
16-Endings, Beginnings and Choices To Make
Listen to Joshua’s last words to the elders and leaders of ancient Israel. His words still resonate today and they will help us through our coming time of trouble.
15-Promises Fulfilled
Has any of YHVH’s promises ever failed? No, and this week’s teaching proves it. Why is this important? Because it lets us know we can trust Him in the coming days of Tribulation ahead.
14-The Future Of Israel
YHVH revealed something very important to Ezekiel about Yeshua’s coming Millennial reign. This will bring clarity about YHVH’s coming Kingdom.
13-The Red Heifer & The Rapture Of The Church
The allottments of the land look boring and like nothing more than information, yet within each boundary is a host of understanding of Israel’s history. Understanding the boundaries will help us to know more about why ancient Israel so utterly failed YHVH. We must learn from this so we do not make the same mistakes which cause us not to enter into Yeshua’s Kingdom.