Category: Vaera
Va’era 2023: Sovereignty and Surrender
As in the beginning, so in the end. For only the second time in the history of the earth, YHVH will make His people to become a nation. The first time, He led them from one place, Egypt, to His land. The second time, he won’t lead them by the hand according to Jeremiah 31:32 because they are not all in one place. Two different methods with the same outcome
Vayera 2022: The Prophecies Of Sarah And Hagar
The saga of Sarah and Hagar did not end in Genesis. Their lives and spirits still impact the world today. Paul wrote about Sarah and Hagar as spiritual types. Did you know that Sarah and Hagar’s conflict have a very important end times prophecy?
Vaera 2022: Kingdom Come Part 2: Facing Revelation’s Woes
A REVELATION Revelation. The Israelites in Egypt endured three plagues. What will be the equivalent plagues that we at the end of days will endure?…