Category: Vayigash

Posted in Vayigash

Vayigash 2023: Preparing for the Bride

The 10 brothers had every right to be afraid of Joseph for he was number two in of Egypt who could have killed, and no one would have questioned him.

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Posted in Articles Kingdom Concepts Teachings Torah Portions Vayigash

Joseph & The Ingathering

Restoration is a major theme in YHVH’s Kingdom and no account tells us what that looks like better than the restoration of Joseph and his family. Joseph’s 3 tests have a parallel to the end times. Find out what they are.

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Posted in Articles Kingdom Concepts Teachings Torah Portions Vayigash


Vayigash 2015: Joseph’s Dreams and Cups There is so much prophecy in the Joseph Torah Portions that it is hard to resist talking about it….

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